Total Transfers by Browser Type (Overview)

        Total        Total 304's
        Requests     (NoMod Req)             Bytes sent  | Browser Type
   30025  91.96%     129  64.82%      200028720  77.06%  | Mozilla/5.*
     825   2.53%       0   0.00%        1782577   0.69%  | Java/1.*
     466   1.43%       0   0.00%        2573022   0.99%  | Mozilla/4.*
     357   1.09%       0   0.00%        2767011   1.07%  | Wotbox/2.*
     318   0.97%       0   0.00%         601462   0.23%  | CCBot/2.*
      67   0.21%      55  27.64%        4000019   1.54%  | Googlebot-Image/1.*
      65   0.20%       0   0.00%       37981112  14.63%  | ascribeBot/1.*
      57   0.17%       0   0.00%         174702   0.07%  | Y!J-ASR/0.*
      53   0.16%       0   0.00%         159953   0.06%  | LSSRocketCrawler/1.*
      36   0.11%       0   0.00%         244404   0.09%  | TLSProber/0.*
      34   0.10%       0   0.00%         433568   0.17%  | Baiduspider-image+(+
      32   0.10%       0   0.00%         217248   0.08%  | AWSBrewLinkChecker/1.*
      30   0.09%       0   0.00%          91113   0.04%  | tbot-nutch/Nutch-1.*
      26   0.08%       0   0.00%         175838   0.07%  | NerdyBot
      20   0.06%       0   0.00%        2029860   0.78%  | Sogou Pic Spider/3.*
      20   0.06%       0   0.00%          69121   0.03%  | User-Agent: Mozilla/5.*
      20   0.06%      15   7.54%          12626   0.00%  | psbot/0.*
      16   0.05%       0   0.00%          55677   0.02%  | SAMSUNG-SGH-E250/1.*
      14   0.04%       0   0.00%          54832   0.02%  | ltx71
      14   0.04%       0   0.00%        1813370   0.70%  | Opera/9.*
      13   0.04%       0   0.00%          22768   0.01%  | DoCoMo/2.*
      12   0.04%       0   0.00%        1719332   0.66%  | Burnbit Worker
      11   0.03%       0   0.00%          15576   0.01%  | Sogou web spider/4.*
      10   0.03%       0   0.00%          55746   0.02%  | Mozilla
      10   0.03%       0   0.00%          38287   0.01%  | YisouSpider
       8   0.02%       0   0.00%           8406   0.00%  | python-requests/2.*
       7   0.02%       0   0.00%          34377   0.01%  | finbot
       6   0.02%       0   0.00%           1372   0.00%  | curl/7.*
       6   0.02%       0   0.00%           8433   0.00%  | Riddler (
       5   0.02%       0   0.00%          20804   0.01%  | libwww-perl/6.*
       4   0.01%       0   0.00%            816   0.00%  | crawler4j
       4   0.01%       0   0.00%          14200   0.01%  | seebot/2.*
       4   0.01%       0   0.00%            862   0.00%  | YiCrawler
       4   0.01%       0   0.00%          21088   0.01%  | snarf/7.*
       3   0.01%       0   0.00%           9786   0.00%  | Apache-HttpClient/UNAVAILABLE (java 1.4)
       3   0.01%       0   0.00%         529238   0.20%  | Googlebot/2.*
       3   0.01%       0   0.00%              0   0.00%  | Typhoeus -
       3   0.01%       0   0.00%          10277   0.00%  | Airmail 2.*
       2   0.01%       0   0.00%           6967   0.00%  | nutch-1.*
       2   0.01%       0   0.00%            446   0.00%  | LinkedInEWS (ExchangeServicesClient/
       2   0.01%       0   0.00%          13578   0.01%  | BlackBerry9000/4.*
       2   0.01%       0   0.00%           7005   0.00%  | AdnormCrawler
       2   0.01%       0   0.00%           7005   0.00%  | Screaming Frog SEO Spider/4.*
       2   0.01%       0   0.00%           6789   0.00%  | Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.*
       2   0.01%       0   0.00%          13578   0.01%  | Python-urllib/2.*
       2   0.01%       0   0.00%           7005   0.00%  | yacybot (/global; amd64 Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64; java 1.7.0_79; America/en)
       2   0.01%       0   0.00%           7005   0.00%  | ssearch_bot (sSearch Crawler;
       2   0.01%       0   0.00%           6967   0.00%  | ia_archiver
       2   0.01%       0   0.00%          14606   0.01%  | Lynx/2.*
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%           3500   0.00%  | Mozilla/3.*
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%           6763   0.00%  | Bot 1.*
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%           6789   0.00%  | CATExplorador/1.*
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%           6789   0.00%  | OMozilla/5.*
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%           6789   0.00%  | Wenn Sie nicht moechten, dass wir Ihre Seite indizieren, senden Sie bitte eine Mail an mit Ihrer Domain in der Betreffzeile/ If you dont want us to index your domain, please send an email to and set your domainname in the subject line
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%           6789   0.00%  | LinksCrawler 0.*
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%           6789   0.00%  | iTunes-iPhone/5.*
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%           6763   0.00%  | 'firefox
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%           6789   0.00%  | SafariBookmarkChecker/1.*
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%          10920   0.00%  | EasyBib AutoCite (
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%           3262   0.00%  | PiranhaLite
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%            218   0.00%  | compatible;Baiduspider/2.*
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%        1626116   0.63%  | Googlebot-Video/1.*
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%            216   0.00%  | CSS Certificate Spider (
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%            461   0.00%  | MSIE 4.*
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%            216   0.00%  | Vietnamese Search
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%           6789   0.00%  | Opera/8.*
       1   0.00%       0   0.00%              0   0.00%  | COMODO SSL Checker
   32651 100.00%     199 100.00%      259569616 100.00%

        Total        Total 304's
        Requests     (NoMod Req)             Bytes sent  | Browser Type
     393   1.19%       0   0.00%        1997319   0.76%  | Unknown (no agent info given)
   32651  98.81%     199 100.00%      259569616  99.24%  | Remaining entries shown above
   33044 100.00%     199 100.00%      261566928 100.00%

http-analyze 2.01pl15 Copyright © 2015 by RENT-A-GURU® 01/Aug/2015 04:03